After 25 years of serving the English-speaking community in Italy, English Yellow Pages has made the difficult decision of shutting down its printed edition. However, for those of you who would like to view our last digital version, we have created the below link. Instead, our internet operations are still active but for the moment we are modifying the pages and therefore our site is temporarily suspended for "work in progress". .
We will continue to organize our traditional EYP networking cocktail parties for our international friends in Rome. Please send us an email if you would like to be added to our mailing list and invited to our next party.
We thank everyone that has participated in EYP over these past 25 years, whether as a client, a free lister, a directory user or simply an international friend. You can be sure that after all the trust you've given us over the years and the experience and contacts we have developed, we will definitely be back.